Traffic Ticket Lawyer Rutherfordton

traffic ticket lawyer rutherfordtonTraffic tickets can cause a major impact on your life. Being charged with a traffic offense such as speeding, DWI or other moving violations can lead to hefty fines, increased insurance premiums and even jail time.

Being charged with a criminal traffic violation such as reckless driving, driving while license revoked, and others could land you in jail. If you have been charged with a serious traffic violation, hiring traffic lawyer is always a good idea to represent you in court. A traffic ticket lawyer in Rutherfordton will offer legal services and advice if you are charged with a serious traffic violation.

What do Traffic Ticket Lawyers do? 

1) Defend clients against traffic offenses- You can represent yourself if you have been charged with a minor violation. However, you will need a lawyer to help you for serious traffic violations to lessen the charge and protect your driving privilege in North Carolina.

2) Represent clients in court… In North Carolina you must appear in court to answer many traffic violation charges. A traffic ticket lawyer in Rutherfordton can represent you in court if you are from out of town or unable to appear.

3) Offer advice and support…After being charged with a serious traffic offense, you may feel confused and afraid about what you should do next. A traffic ticket lawyer will provide advice on the best way to protect your driver’s license and help prevent points on your insurance.

5) Negotiates on behalf of the client….Some traffic offenses could lead to serious consequences such as jail time, losing a driver’s license, serious fines, etc. Hiring a lawyer can help negotiate the best possible outcome.

When to hire a traffic ticket lawyer in Rutherfordton

Consider hiring a lawyer if…..

  • You have been charged with a serious traffic offense
  • You are from out of state
  • You are a habitual traffic offender
  • You have unpaid warrants for other traffic offenses
  • You have been caught driving with a suspended license
  • Being caught driving while impaired
  • Leaving the scene of accident
  • Hit and run charges
  • Other serious traffic violations

Hiring a traffic ticket lawyer in Rutherfordton can help you avoid serious consequences while offering support and advice during what can be a difficult period in your life. Call us to today at 828-475-8800 for a consultation.

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