Don’t Pay Your NC Traffic Ticket Without Talking to Our Attorneys First!
Often, after receiving a traffic ticket, drivers will choose to pay their ticket online. By paying online, you are pleading guilty and admitting to the charges listed in your ticket. Many offenses are not waivable, which means a driver may not pay the ticket online and must appear in court to deal with the ticket. In either case, we strongly advise against pleading guilty to the charges as written in your ticket. There are serious consequences to moving violation convictions in North Carolina. Insurance rates will increase, driver points can accrue, and suspension of driving privileges in North Carolina can also result.
License Suspension – Did you know that, even if you have a driver’s license from another state, your driving privileges in North Carolina can be suspended? If this happens to you as a result of a conviction in North Carolina, you may not legally drive in this state during the suspension period. Doing so could result in additional charges against you. Whether you are licensed in North Carolina or another state, If you drive in North Carolina while your privileges are suspended, you could be charged with a misdemeanor. Such charges can be embarrassing, costly, and result in further suspension of your driving privileges!
The Five Most Common Traffic Tickets Resulting In License Suspension:
1. A charge of Speeding and Reckless Driving in the same incident. This usually occurs when a driver is speeding more than 20 mph over the limit. The officer often also charges the driver with Reckless Driving. (60 day suspension)
2. A charge of Speeding 15mph or more over the limit of 55 mph.(30 days suspension)
3. Two convictions of Speeding over 55 mph within a 12 month period.
4. One conviction of speeding over 55 mph and one Reckless Driving charge within a 12 month period.
5. Second offense of charge of Speeding 15mph or more over the limit of 55Mph (60 day suspension)
Before you pay your ticket online or plead guilty to the charges as written, consult with one of our knowledgeable traffic and DWI attorneys to be sure that you don’t lose your privilege to drive in North Carolina! Our attorneys will take the time to learn about your specific needs by carefully considering your current charges along with your driving record. i
If you have a pending traffic ticket in Rutherford or Polk Counties, call us right away for a free 15 minute consultation!
Ziomek and Shroyer, PLLC
145 Taylor St.
Rutherfordton, NC 28139